Perjantai 19.11:
tiistai 30. marraskuuta 2021
Ilonan raporttia kuukausivaihdosta Reunionilla
lauantai 27. marraskuuta 2021
My Erasmus+ Trip to Reunion Island
A little over two weeks ago I traveled to Reunion island with our Erasmus+ group. It was a long trip because first we flew to Helsinki, then to Paris, and finally we arrived at Reunion Island. It was really amazing! It was so warm there, and the sun was shining.
Throughout the whole week we had so much fun. My favorite days were Tuesday and Thursday. On Tuesday we went shopping and dining at a nearby town St Leu. It was a very hot day, and the food was really good. After that we went to Kelonia where we saw several giant turtles and we learnt many new things about them. On Thursday we spent the whole day at the world's most active volcano. It was a long trip to the destination, but it was fine. We saw amazing views and we ate lunch next to the volcano.
The whole week I lived in a host family. It was a wonderful experience because the family was really nice and they told me so many interesting stories. My host sister looked after me and gave me tips about Reunion island. On the last day, the atmosphere was really sad because we had to leave for Finland.
Now I miss my host family and all the people I got to know a lot!
maanantai 22. marraskuuta 2021
Terveiset Iivarilta Reunionin kuukausivaihdosta!
Viime maanantai oli ensimmäinen oikea koulupäivä meille Les Avironssin lukiossa, Reunionilla. Ensimmäinen tunti oli matikkaa, ranskaksi tietenkin, mutta aiheet olivat tuttuja viime vuodelta.
perjantai 19. marraskuuta 2021
Laanila's "Timeout Discussion" about the Future of Europe. 🇪🇺
Several important topics such as:

Amnesty International Letter-writing Marathon - Messages for Human Rights
This fall again Laanila students wrote for human rights. Unesco-, Erasmus+ and Green Flag students arranged Amnesty's letter-writing campaign in the school hall and more than 150 messages were written for the rights of young people in Palestine and Belarus. Thank you for them all!

keskiviikko 17. marraskuuta 2021
perjantai 5. marraskuuta 2021
Circular Economy Presentations from Laanila High School
LAANILA IS GOING SOLAR: AurinkoLaanila -filmi s-21
The new logo of our school designed by our first-year student Helmi Karppinen.
Our school made a deal with the local power plant to purchase solar cells and install them on our school roof to create and generate solar electricity for school use. The solar panels are being installed there right now, and in December we will start earning money from sunshine and cutting our energy costs.
PART I: Library, Costume Rental, Flea Markets
PART 2: Rotation of Food
PART 3: Waste Drop-Off Points